Thursday, January 19, 2017

Look Natural!

Can you believe I haven't posted since we opened the shop in October?  Yikes!!!  We've been busy.  I wanted to chat about the endless possibilities of decor!  I do not profess to be an interior designer, but I LOVE decorating!  My motto is:  "Decorate with the things you love".  I'd like to share "a few of my favorite things" and tell you why I love them.

My favorite "wood" piece of furniture!  This was my grandmother's piano, the one I grew up playing, and now a treasure that will NEVER be painted.
I ran across this adorable little antique side table in a consignment shop that my mom, sister, and I stumbled upon.  We had such a great time and I was more than delighted to find that the finish color and design was a perfect match to my beautiful piano.

This piece was purchased from an antique store in Lehi.  It's not here anymore, but I have the fondest memories of our "Tuesday meetings".  My mom and I would meet at Outpost Antiques with our friends, have a doughnut, and make our purchases.  The leather purse is my grandmother's.

This amazing table came from my Grandfather's home.  It's...wait for it...oak!  Bleh.  No, not bleh.  I love it!  It is in perfect shape and I want to remember it as it was in his home.

In the master bedroom, I've hung a window that came from my grandfather's farm.  The trunk was one of my first "big" antique purchases.  I have dress up clothes inside.

This amazing frame was once a mirror!  When we moved back to Lehi, my oldest son accidentally broke the mirror.  I was sick at first and then realized that it would be just as fantastic as a frame.  I got the wreath at Scrooge & Marley's which, sadly, closed it's doors.

I hope as you visit the shop, you'll see the potential of the natural wood in your decor in harmony with the pops of color.  Surround yourself with things that you 

With Love,
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