Thursday, October 1, 2015

As promised, here is a little tour of my mom's cute farmhouse!  When I say little, I'm talkin' 1500 square feet.  It's chuck full of vintage goodness and creativity.  One thing I've learned is that if you love a treasure, you can always find a place.  If something has meaning, I tend to cherish it much more than if I needed a quick decoration and rushed into a purchase.  I'll be sharing some of the stories behind the items you see pictured.  Hope my mama inspires you!

I never walk right up to her door.  There is always so much to look at on the way!  See the big brown barrel?  My brother and I used to make paper air planes and try to fly them into it.

This amazing hutch definitely makes a statement!  It's the focal point as soon as you're through the door.  It was going to be thrown away.  Can you believe it?  It's full of mom's collection of Mormon Pottery.  These crocks can be expensive, but sometimes you can score a deal.

We all need to hang family pictures on the wall.  These people mean so much to me!  My dad when he was a young boy, my grandpa with two of his sisters, my beautiful grandma Taylor, great Grandpa Chipman, great aunts, and Willie, my Grandpa Taylor's brother just before he passed away falling out of the crab apple tree.

Isn't this clever?  Instead of a boring TV console, why not use an antique treasure!  Love how she set the DVD player and receiver on an old suitcase.

Sure, this shower curtain is new (who had running water 100 years ago?), but I think it has a very vintage look.  And, I LOVE birds!  What do you think about the metal cabinet?

Are you dying over this clothes hamper?  So sweet.  She always scores the big finds!

There is so much to look at in the master bedroom!  Where do we begin?  The bed, adorable!  The wall sconces look like they came with the house. The watercolor above the bed is a painting done by Mary Judd. It is the home of my great grandfather.  It is no longer standing, but was just south of the Colonial House in Lehi.  A cute story about the painting of it is that the picture my mom provided for Mary was black and white and taken in the winter time. When she finished, mom gasped!  Mary had painted lilac bushes in the front.  There were lilac bushes planted in the front yard of this home.
Mom got creative and put lace over the doors of this darling cabinet, where there was probably tin at one time.  The McCoy pottery inside brings back so many great memories of treasure hunting!
And now, for the kitchen.  As you can see, collections are a big part of mom's decor.  Collect something you love and then display it together.  It has more impact than a piece here and there.  The chandelier is one of a kind and I think it is a perfect fit.

Of coarse she has an amazing farmhouse table.  And yes, mismatched chairs painted white are perfect.  But, my favorite piece in this picture is the stairrail post in the back.  It came from Chipman's store in American Fork, which happened to be owned by my great grandfather.
Last, but definitely not least, the guest bedroom.  I am in love with this iron bed!  The painting on the wall was done by my great aunt Sally.  See, you have to surround yourself with things you love and will cherish.

Thanks for showing us around, Bons.  You're the best!
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